I am a witch with super powers (Boobs)
I have a super power and I am sorry to tell you that you are too old to obtain it. Well, I mean, I guess you could try but it would be pretty disgusting. I am not sure your family would understand. I have the immune system of 4 witches. If Trump were smart, he’d ditch the pomade/camel jizz (<— // Read more Read more…
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Emotional Labor
Earlier this week I was at a bar by myself, enjoying a quick bite while I waited for my improv show to kick off in the theatre next door. I couldn’t help but overhear what I assume was a first date go oh-so wrong. This got me thinking about the emotional labor that women provide in our day-to-day lives. The sort // Read more Read more…
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Falling in Love (or how I know I am a genius part 3)
Part 1 here // Part 2 here We get to his place. The decor was something between a bachelor pad and grown mans place. He has mix-matched beat up furniture, likely from his college days. It includes a brown sofa that was way too large for the space and chairs that could easily be part of an outdoor patio set. The flip // Read more Read more…
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Falling in Love (or How I know I am a genius) (part 2)
Part 1 here. I arrived at the first workshop at 10am, ready for them to be over before they even started. I just had to get to 5pm when they both wrapped up. I put my mind to doing the workshops and not watching the clock. But then a strange thing happened. This guy I know from the improv scene // Read more Read more…
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Damn Baby!
You know that feeling. Your heart thumps more rapidly as you quicken your pace. You feel that it is getting difficult to swallow past the lump of fear growing in your throat. You wonder how it is going to end and what you can possibly do to MAKE it end or at least be less afraid. Street Harassment. This happened yesterday // Read more Read more…
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Meet Me
HI. I am Joanna. World traveler. Improv performer. // Read More