
Falling in Love (or how I know I am a genius part 3)

Part 1 here // Part 2 here We get to his place. The decor was something between a bachelor pad and grown mans place. He has mix-matched beat up furniture, likely from his college days. It includes a brown sofa that was way too large for the space and chairs that could easily be part of an outdoor patio set. The flip // Read more Read more…


Falling in Love (or How I know I am a genius) (part 2)

Part 1 here. I arrived at the first workshop at 10am, ready for them to be over before they even started. I just had to get to 5pm when they both wrapped up. I put my mind to doing the workshops and not watching the clock. But then a strange thing happened. This guy I know from the improv scene // Read more Read more…


Falling in Love (or How I know I am a genius) (part 1)

A year ago I was just starting to date someone I met from OkCupid. It was my first attempt at dating in over 14 months. If you don’t already know, I had one of those breakups that rips your chest open, grips your heart, and chokes the life from it. But, here’s the thing, it wasn’t the first breakup like // Read more Read more…


How Birth Control Works

I have a degree in Biology. It totally makes me capable of discussing these sciencey topics with you. I now know exactly how birth control works and I am ready to impart this knowledge. You’re welcome. I decided around 29 years old that I wasn’t ready to have kids.  My husband said he wanted to have a kid that year. I said // Read more Read more…


Is this What Happened to Darth Vader :: Online Dating?

I’ve been busy. Not only was I in Europe for some of the fall but life has been hectic since I returned. I’ll spare you the details but will tell you that, despite my last failed attempt to do so,  I decided to join an online dating site back in October. It quickly turned into a part time job. I could // Read more Read more… – The worst wingman

The other day I decided to peruse, looking at all the pictures of people that met my search requirements as I thought about joining. I took a peek at their profiles, not to get to know them better but to get an idea of the questions I would have to answer if I ever set up a profile. I // Read more Read more…


Is This a Date?

Frustrated. That word neatly sums up my dating life lately. Agitated. That word neatly sums up my physical relationships lately, as in there isn’t one. Confused. That word sums up how I have been feeling lately. Frustrated What is the deal with dating these days? Do you know how many times I’ve been out and I’ve asked myself is this // Read more Read more…


Just the “Dating” Tip – Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene This is a big one for me. Dudes, you have to do more than brush your teeth and floss. Although lately I feel as though if you are doing both of those things at least twice a day you are already doing more than most of your gender. HOWEVER, YOU MUST GO TO THE DENTIST for regular cleanings. // Read more Read more…


Speed Dating Gang Bang

The ex and I split up about 5 months ago. I think I might be ready to get back on the dating horse but, truth be told, I am not entirely sure. I am taking things super slow. What is my approach to meeting as many people as possible and just throwing myself back out there? Speed Dating. A.k.a. Dating // Read more Read more…